Perry L. Drew Elementary School

Principal Newsletter



  • Arrival
    • Carpool families should pull up to the front of the building to drop off a student.  Staff will be available to support the student to their various locations.
    • 3rd-grade students will enter the Breezeway.
    • 4th-grade students and 5th-grade students will enter through the front of the building.
    • Until students get back into the routine of school, please provide your child with the name of the homeroom teacher and all bussing information.  

  • Dismissal:
    • As we have done in the past, walkers, carpoolers, and buses will be announced at the close of the school day.  Similar to the past, walkers will be dismissed through the breezeway, carpool students will be in front of the school, and buses will be in the bus lane of the school.  As noted, staff will be available to assist the students with the various locations at the end of the day.  


Latest News

Parent/Caregiver Survey

The East Windsor Regional School District is participating in the New Jersey School Climate Improvement (NJ SCI) Survey to gather valuable insights from our school community. Each of our six schools has a unique survey link to ensure feedback is appropriately attributed.

Upcoming Events


School Information

Grades 3-5

School Begins: 8:45 AM
Regular Dismissal:  3:30 PM
Delayed Opening
10:15 AM - 3:30 PM
Early Dismissal Session
8:45 AM - 1:25 PM


Jazmyn Allen, Principal
Kathryn Minto, Assistant Principal
Evelin Surita, Secretary (Habla Español)
Kathleen Donohue, Secretary
Beth Lopatine, Nurse
70 Twin Rivers Drive North
East Windsor, New Jersey 08520
Phone: 609-443-7820
Fax: 609-443-7891

HIB Information

Lisa Rogers, School Counselor
Anti-Bullying Specialist

609-443-7820 ext. 3215

East Windsor Regional School District
Anti-Bullying Coordinator
Lauren O'Brien, Supervisor of Guidance

609-443-7717, ext. 2024